Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cinnamon for Diabetes

Studies have shown that 1/4 tsp. of cinnamon with good essential oils, can lower your blood sugar, cholesterol and fats by as much as 30 percent. It replaces salt in cooked oatmeal and is great on apples, in your coffee and in sweet and savory dishes.

In a study, published by Reuters Health, diabetics who incorporated one gram (less than 1/4 tsp.) into their diet every day for 40 days, experienced a decrease in blood sugar, cholesterol and blood fats. They also suggested that cinnamon could stave off the onset of type 2 diabetes for those at risk. Cinnamon provides compounds that make insulin more efficient and help fat cells recognize and respond to it. As an added bonus, cinnamon contains no added calories. Watkins cinnamon actually tastes sweet but there is no sugar added. It is actually the cinnamon oils without woody fillers that give the delicious taste.

If you wish to try it for yourself, go to www.watkinsonline.com and enter associate #375441. While you are at it, take note of all our wonderful natural products.

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